Classified Ads

All Classified Ads now run for 60 Days, then a Renewal request is sent to the owner, so all the ads listed, can run until the item is sold.

Please Contact the website Administrator, if you find any classified ad that is offering illegal products for sale, is offensive, or sexually explicit.

It will be removed, and the suitable authorities notified.

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General Items For Sale

General Items For Sale
You never know what will pop up in this general items for sale section

Here you can sell all your unwanted items, or buy something you like the look of.

Read this Warning before buying anything

Please be advised: When purchasing anything online, its best to see the item at first hand, rather than sending money to an unknown person, and hope they send it to you.

NOTE: Any listing that reads to good to be true, should be scrutinized very carefully, before you make any decision to purchase.

Reviews Disclaimer: Please Read

Any Review posted, is the sole opinion of the poster, and they take full responsibility for their own actions, and furthermore, can not be held responsible for their posted comments.
However: If you find something not to your liking.

Please Contact Admin, and they will attempt to authenticate the post in question.

  • If the post is accurately portrayed, and does not defame an individual unfairly, it will remain online.
  • If it is deemed offensive, or Inaccurate, it will be removed.

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