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Postcode: 2333

Battery Rock Rest Area

Battery Rock Rest Area

Golden Highway, , , New South Wales
0 reviews

The Battery Rock Rest Area is a great place to stop and stretch the legs. Plenty of parking available and toilet facilities all set back away from the road with some shade available.The area gets its name "The Batteries" from rock formations on each side ...

Category Rest Areas
Private Jackson Park Gungal Rest Area

Private Jackson Park Gungal Rest Area

Maitland Street, , , New South Wales
0 reviews

The Private Jackson Park Gungal Rest Area is set back approximately 70 metres from Maitland Street, with a public toilet, some undercover picnic tables and rubbish bins. There is quite a bit of space to park your caravan and enjoy a break from driving. E ...

Category Rest Areas
Vietnam Memorial Rest Area - Muswellbrook North
0 reviews

At the Vietnam Memorial Rest Area - Muswellbrook North some uncaring Campers are doing the wrong thing by all of us, and are causing damage to these free facilities provided by the local RSL, and if it continues, we are possibly all going to lose the abil ...

Category Rest Areas

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