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Camp Kooyoora open 365 days a year

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8 years 11 months ago - 8 years 11 months ago #864 by Camp Kooyoora
Camp Kooyoora open 365 days a year was created by Camp Kooyoora
Camp Kooyoora is situated 40 mins from Bendigo and has more than 80 acres to explore on private land plus the state park, you will be sure to bring the horse, kids and dont forget the dog.
With gorgeous sunrises and sunsets, Camp Kooyoora offers the privacy and comfort you wish you had at public campground. Large fire pit, under cover kitchen, shower with hot water, outdoor coonara for cold nights and last but not least, the loo with a view.
Kooyoora State Park and Melville Caves has stunning views of Central Victoria from the top of Mt Kooyoora as well as the spectacular Milky Way night sky, away from city lights.
Loddon River at nearby town of Bridgewater, just a 20min drive offers swimming, water skiing, canoeing and fishing, so bring the boat and bathers.

Visit www.campkooyoora.com

Last edit: 8 years 11 months ago by Camp Kooyoora. Reason: adding pic

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8 years 6 months ago #1106 by Andrew59
Replied by Andrew59 on topic Camp Kooyoora open 365 days a year
Nice Location . :tent:

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