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Free Campsites and Low Cost Campgrounds Forum 43 topics

Free Camping sites and Lost Cost Campgrounds, including Rest Areas.
Each State is in its own seperate list.
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Places you have called home for a day or two.
Re: Dome Tent Advice
by Juan39
1 month 3 weeks ago

Members Help and Information Area 60 topics

We have a few easy to follow tutorials to help you become familiar with our adavanced features and a Test board for you to play with.
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We encourage new members to post a short introduction of themselves in this forum category. Get to know each other and share you common interests.
Re: Incredible news!
by Juan39
1 month 3 weeks ago
Have some feedback and input to share?
Don't be shy and drop us a note. We want to hear from you and strive to make our site better and more user friendly for our guests and members a like.
Re: ForumPosts-no dates on posts?
by Ulian
2 years 11 months ago

Australian Caravan and Camping Forum 128 topics

You don't have to be an Australian to enjoy the outdoor lifestyle, that camping and caravaning have to offer. We welcome members from around the world to participate in our online forums.
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Have a handy hint you would like to share with us?
Then this is the place to do it.
Re: New Caravan Mattress
by Donnyy
1 year 5 months ago
Know of a good Joke or maybe a funny video then this ids the place for it.
Re: Not funny Solar Panels
by abdurah
6 months 4 days ago

Product Reviews 11 topics

This section is for reviews of any product you own, whether it be a Good or Bad Review, Please Post It Here, so others can gain from your experience.
whats better sildenafil 30mg o ...
by Intitnend
1 month 1 week ago

General Discussion Area 405 topics

This is our main Camping forum section.
Its a place to chat about all things to do with the great oudoors experiences you have had.
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General Chit Chat 336 topics

Anything and Everything you like to talk about.
Re: How can I turn my book idea in ...
by Juan39
3 months 2 weeks ago

Handy Websites 58 topics

Know of an Interesting Website?
Why not share it with us.
Re: Grumpy Grey Nomads
by Garry
3 years 2 months ago

Tech Questions 11 topics

What is mean by three wheel ca ...
by JamesHenry
8 months 2 weeks ago

Outdoor Activities Forums 55 topics

Whats the point of getting there.. if theres nothing to do once you arive?
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Australian Inland and Beach Fishing Forums.
Videos, Tackle, Knots, Maps and more are available in our fishing forum.
Re: South Australia Primary Indust ...
by Daisysky
10 years 5 months ago
Hobbies to keep you busy on those long extended trips.
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by SkashVase
8 months 3 weeks ago


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Australian Caravan and Camping Forum

Our Australian Forum is a handy way to let others know what's on your mind, and perhaps strike up a conversation.
  • If you need a new forum section added, simply place a request in the general forum section, and our admin will look at it, and see what can be done.
  • We are expanding our site as those who joined earlier will have noticed.
  • We also will not tolerate any spamming of any sort.
  • If you notice a post that is misleading, or outright spammy, please let the admin know, and they will deal with it.

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Anything posted on this forum, is the sole opinion of the poster, and they take full responsibility for their own actions, and furthermore, GrumpyGreyNomads.com can not be held responsible for their posted comments.
However: If you find something not to your liking.

Please Contact Admin, and they will attempt to authenticate the post in question.

  • If the post is accurately portrayed, and does not defame an individual, it will remain online.
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