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Entrance to the Adelaide Zoo Adelaide Zoo location map
Agnes Creek Rest Area
The Agnes Creek Rest Area has a picnic table, a few rubbish bins and a bit of shade to park under and far enough from the Stuart Highway to get a good nights sleep. Entrance to the Agnes Creek Rest Area Agnes Creek Rest Area location map
Algebuckina Bridge
The Algebuckina Bridge has lots of places to select from some with low trees, you will need your levelling blocks for most of the sites. 4X4 vehicle prefered transport for this remote local.
Entrance to the Algebuckina Bridge
Algebuckina Bridge locati ...
Entrance to the Ambrosia Rest Area Ambrosia Rest Area location map
Anna Creek Siding
At the Anna Creek Siding you'll see some old buildings that are in quite reasonable shape, and a tent can be pitched inside them as well as the chimney used as a cooking area if needed. Anna Creek Siding location map
The Appealinna Ruins is an interesting spot to spend a few minutes looking over what's left of the foundations. The ruins are on your left hand side when you reach the roundabout at the end of the road.
Appealinna Ruins 360
Entrance to the Appealinna ...
The Arno Bay Park Rest Area is a nice place for a stroll along the beach or have a bite to eat at one of the picnic tables, then use the public toilets and rubbish bins. Entrance to the Arno Bay Park Rest Area Arno Bay Park Rest Area location map